Back on the Water after Hurricane Matthew


Tiny Elizabeth back on the water after Hurricane Matthew

The last week and a half has been a rollercoaster of emotions for our town of St. Augustine. Hurricane Matthew inflicted significant damage to homes and businesses, but the resiliency and good will of the town has been tremendous. Fortunately for us, our home was spared significant damage. (We live close to the Conch House where we are docked). Another bit of good fortune: the Tiny Elizabeth was left completely unharmed by the storm and is now back on the water ready for operation. We didn’t know what we would be returning to after evacuation, but getting the Tiny Elizabeth out of the water and onto a trailer for the hurricane was a good choice and helped keep her safe.

So many have expressed good wishes for our town and the people who live here. We hope that everyone will extend those good wishes to the small local businesses that contribute to making St. Augustine so special. See you on the water!